Monday, April 22, 2024


 Lie in a beautiful and well-adorned grass coffin, undisturbed, alone, grown over by ivy and wildflowers. Let no soul touch this sacred resting place of yours. No eyes, no lips, no ears to feel your body, yet your soul rests patient in the green and orange stasis until the red arrives. One red glow, gently caress your coffin and reach deep to your essences. Eternities within one year, hours compressed into seconds, melt off your coffin like an ivory waterfall. I am here, love. We may leave this place to somewhere sacred. Let my eyes grow pained from the light. So wondrous how this garden crumbles and crashes into itself like stone tides. We run. We fly. Abandon, to create a home and make a life worth living. Live, or be alive? Feel alive. See, speak, dilate, touch, kneel, hands, sand, death, and white. Radiate, burn, smile, silent, wish fade crackle enlightenment God spirit Am birth End Start

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