Thursday, April 18, 2024

Flood (White Desert)

 Solar plexus cradle you

Dribble souls out my eyes

White brodiaea crown

Bulb and shells' funeral

O'er green leaves and wind weeping

Platinum stars fall far

Live in orb of curtains

Six symmetrical flame-shaped pyramids

And protected by infinite green slivers

Bend and reach out to space

Pierce love's distress beacon

Seized violently beautiful from coffin

Torn beyond God's light

Fall from stratosphere through hydrangea

Shatter like glass air upon impact

My pellets absorb into deep earthwater

Dissolved my smoke into blackest sun

We fade, blessed, together, death

Rebirthed through time

We awake in an orange desert

All we ever wanted, here, somewhere, everywhere

Let's walk there

While thin ocean breathes overhead

I think that's a great idea, love

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