Saturday, May 11, 2024

Hidden Falls

 Speckling under green and wooden lightning

Rests speckled orange poppies

And bells of delphinium

What comes to think

The beautiful forest dungeon

And what will it take

Loneliest solitude there

Walk faster

Run further

Maybe they cease to be

And mute as you probe deeper

For their very being

Shatters the image

What are these cotton-like specks floating?

What fractals and lattices of green web my eyes so sacred?

Yet walk, it grows in volume

The water crashing, pouring attacking exploding

In gray-white webs and noise grained over the land

At the epicenter of the water quake

Let its roar drown your enemies

With white fervent plasma

And the body of deep stone

As you finally extend

Appears tiny yarrow canopy

And a long path, through emerald

To a clearing with sandy brown paths and silent meadows abound

And in one patch, a circle

So sit

Vibrating tangents radiate

Assemble the architects of your disk

To throw the ring of grass stars upon him and destroy his effervescent mind with light

Eyes once squinted from it now open full and

The grass reach towering as trees like bamboo

The vista's faces

So distant yet textures so brilliant like a microscopic thing

Tranquility ultimate

Serenity in silence

How sacred this vision, this view

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