Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Way Back Home

The way back home was dark and unknown
She walked it alone
In search of who she was
For many years she lived with the earth
And like the things in the dirt
She hid herself from the light, because

She didn't want to heed the call
Coming from beyond her walls

An innocent child when the nightmare began
Of ambulant skulls carving paths in the land
With the memories of her past locked away
She quietly carried her legacy, until one day

She heard it far beyond her walls
A melody that she could recall

Wanderer, your story burned slowly
But you aren't the only one
Warrior, azure is the memory
Endlessly searching
To find your way back home

With crown of bone and cape burning red
And goodbyes left unsaid, she left it all behind
The friendships made decayed one by one
And as she presumed, they plagued her restless mind
But in time

She was searching for the call
Now she's following the call

Wanderer your story burned slowly
But you aren't the only one
Warrior azure is the memory
They never stopped calling
To guide your way back home

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