Thursday, February 27, 2025

Laura Huxley: Disregarded in the Darkness

The following is an account of Aldous Huxley's October 1955 psychedelic session with LSD, with his wife Laura joining as a sober companion.

That first LSD day was filled with aesthetic revelations .We listened to Bach's Fourth Brandenburg Concerto:

It was the same, of course, as the Fourth Brandenburg he had listened to so often in the past—the same and yet completely different. This Allegro—he knew it by heart. Which meant that he was in the best possible position to realize that he had never really heard it before. … The Allegro was revealing itself as an element in the great present Event, a manifestation at one remove of the luminous bliss. Allegro was the luminous bliss; it was the knowledgeless understanding of everything apprehended through a particular piece of knowledge; it was undifferentiated awareness broken up into notes and phrases and yet still all-comprehendingly itself. And of course all this belonged to nobody. It was at once in here, out there, and nowhere. … Which was why he was now hearing it for the first time. Unowned, the Fourth Brandenburg had an intensity of beauty, a depth of intrinsic meaning, incomparably greater than anything he had ever found in the same music when it was his private property.

… And tonight’s Fourth Brandenburg was not merely an unowned Thing in Itself; it was also, in some impossible way, a Present Event with an infinite duration. Or rather (and still more impossibly, seeing that it had three movements and was being played at its usual speed) it was without duration. The metronome presides over each of its phrases; but the sum of its phrases was not a span of seconds and minutes. There was a tempo, but no time. So what was there?

“Eternity.” … He began to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” she asked.

“Eternity,” he answered. “Believe it or not, it’s as real as shit.”

To Dr. Humphry Osmond, 12 January 1955

Meanwhile I am hopeful that the good Captain, whose connections with Uranium seem to serve as a passport into the most exalted spheres of government, business, and ecclesiastical polity, is about to take off for New York, where I hope he will storm the United Nations, take Nelson Rockefeller for a ride to Heaven and return with millions of dollars.

What Babes in the Wood we literary gents and professional men are!
The great World occasionally requires your services, is mildly amused by mine; but its full attention and deference are paid to Uranium and Big Business. So what extraordinary luck that this representative of both these Higher Powers should (a) have become so passionately interested in mescalin and (b) be such a very nice man.




Wednesday, February 26, 2025


May I dissuade you from the rhythms that seem to come out of sync in these repeating times of unrequited movements

Unsatisfied with mere being, it sounds a silly thing to speak through, I think

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Saturday, February 22, 2025

fuck mountain biking

figured I'd go on my ebike out on the trail no fuck this. wasn't bad, but wasn't good either. 

p.s. I can't even listen to music casually much when I have to listen for oncoming cyclists on the trail since some sightlines are short

image transcribed from my journal
    You're pedaling through terrain that increases & decreases elevation frequently.
    Watch for people and cliffs. Always maintain speed. You can die if you're not safe.

    Death grip on the brakes. If you don't have adequate brakes, you're fucked, no question.
    I feel like I'm riding on my brakes too much...
    Good luck "taking it slow"!

    I am concentrated on upcoming turns, obstacles, potholes, and hills, not concentrated on admiring the trees, air, and my surroundings, or feeling meditative.

    This bike can handle asphalt, dirt & gravel ROADS. Not trails. ROADS.
    Roads have more room for error. They're predictable. I mean, it can handle some trails. But you're best on a wide open road, yknow? 

Sunday, February 16, 2025


Atop the wires
My orbits aimed at the disk
Heats me to soft death

Haze be scattering
Like the clouds I spray over
Disk cradles gently

At last be asleep
I ride out to who knows when
Passed by with smiles

Saturday, February 15, 2025


Sacred in silence after your roam
O'er lands flooded
Reflections sliced under
Stare into your visions
They will join me
Witness the greatest absence

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


left ear rung at 3:09 am
it's 5 am where he is & he's probably awake getting ready to go 
I wouldn't be surprised he is talking about me 
the preparations and the checklist I made that we went over 

Sunday, February 9, 2025


Thrills upon which you ride
Joys electric and whimsical
Shall carry you to a lake
Where geese cry
And waves mirror a hue above

Though your time is numbered
Remain and feel happy
And it will soon be with two
He shall move and you will say
"Come here"