Saturday, February 22, 2025

fuck mountain biking

figured I'd go on my ebike out on the trail no fuck this. wasn't bad, but wasn't good either. 

p.s. I can't even listen to music casually much when I have to listen for oncoming cyclists on the trail since some sightlines are short

image transcribed from my journal
    You're pedaling through terrain that increases & decreases elevation frequently.
    Watch for people and cliffs. Always maintain speed. You can die if you're not safe.

    Death grip on the brakes. If you don't have adequate brakes, you're fucked, no question.
    I feel like I'm riding on my brakes too much...
    Good luck "taking it slow"!

    I am concentrated on upcoming turns, obstacles, potholes, and hills, not concentrated on admiring the trees, air, and my surroundings, or feeling meditative.

    This bike can handle asphalt, dirt & gravel ROADS. Not trails. ROADS.
    Roads have more room for error. They're predictable. I mean, it can handle some trails. But you're best on a wide open road, yknow? 

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