Wednesday, November 15, 2023


Yesterday morning, prior to an anxiety attack, a coworker came to me while I was sitting alone and he said, casually, "What's going on? You look depressed."

Minutes ago, I was sitting alone listening to ambient music, idle in deep thinking, and another coworker came to me and said, "Hey, Del, you look dead."

One week ago, I went to sit and eat at a restaurant alone, rather bummed to be alone (melancholic, yet doing okay), a third coworker bumps into me and remarks, "Is anybody with you? You came here alone?"

Something, something about it. When I am alone, people I know feel inclined to come interact and remark, all with good intentions and to not be rude, yet...

I ask you to leave me in peace. Do not say hi. Let me take in my self, my environment. Do not remove me from my reflecting, my pondering, my deep thinking. In silence, I recover, but your interactions, your remarks, remind me of the very issues that stress me. If you were to simply walk past me, I would have my peace.

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