Wednesday, April 3, 2024

2023 Statistics

 I used a calendar in 2023 to rate every day of the year out of 5 stars. At the end of each day, I would use two words to describe the day, then rate it out of 5 stars. 1 star is terrible. 2 stars is bad. 3 stars is average/OK. 4 stars is good. 5 stars is great.  Here are the ratings:

2023 as a whole was 3.37 stars, rating it ever so slightly more than average. August was the worst month of the year, rated at 3.02 stars. A lot of it was incredibly forgettable, uneventful, and boring. The best month of the year was October, rated at 3.77 stars, making it a pretty good month. My fiance visited me, my brother visited that month too, and I went to several concerts. Now if you were to reorganize this from lowest to highest ratings...

The 3 worst months were August, December, and January. Not surprisingly, February also follows at #4. The winter is not my strong suit. The 3 best months were June, July, and October.

I also rate each week by collecting the average of 7 days, beginning on Monday and ending on Sunday. The worst week was Dec 4-10, rated 2.29, and the best week was Oct 30-Nov 5, rated 4.64. (That was the week I got engaged and my fiance visited me! <3)

   I have some statistics too for 2024 so far. Jan is 3.47, Feb is 3.31, and Mar is 3.10. Best week(s), Jan 8-21, rated 3.57. Worst week, Mar 18-24, rated 2.86.  Comparing these months to how they were last year, they're dramatically different. Jan especially, for being one of the 3rd best month of the year, if it had happened last year instead.

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