Saturday, April 6, 2024

Get the fuck outta here!!

hey you, yeah you know who you are!! I am picturing this one individual in my head... ah yes! Only I in this present moment know who I'm talking about, so future self, if you remember who I'm ranting about, hear this!:

(Directed toward ne'er-do-well) 
THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS DUMBASS!! You choose A, then B. NOT TWO OF A! THAT'S NOT HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE DONE and you ruined the game!!

You can take this privacy... roll it up your ass! Trust no one, he probably thinks. I mean I understand things like full name or address but like... nothing? NOTHING WHATSOEVER not a general location like a state, not a first name, not a day or month of birth? YOU GET NOTHING!  Motherfucker hows bout blocking out your fingerprints next time while you're at it?? And... boy 


No wonder why no one likes your mug! Ough, hahah, oh, I am not surprised the least bit if you die a [reverb] v i r g i n. ohh man *points and laughs* talk about bad personality wow! no wonder why you're so unlikeable is your sheer lack of charm or charisma. even I don't think I'm the best at it but dear God, you make me look like the most lucky son of a bitch. OK I won't be surprised either if you become a sociopath or serial killer or something. yeah.

now I feel superior. ah *breathes* feels good to put you down and now that my mission is complete, it's time to eat spaghetti. BYE

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