Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Seven Meditations

 Nimatism is an Abrahamic religion. It was established by the Great Messiah Nimates, similarly to Jesus with Christianity. God in Nimatism is Saen, and "heaven" is aentila. Aentila is a state or plane of formless and shapeless infinite existence, within a grand, unified consciousness among all things. Prior to the current and practiced scripture (name not developed), there were the Seven Meditations, written by Nimates as received by Saen. The Seven Meditations form a basis from which the current practiced scripture was created, however, the Meditations were lost or hidden, in the Temple of Arkon, where Daega later finds it buried, after a period of fasting, prayer, and deep meditation. The Meditations are as follows:


Saen is. That is the primordial fact. It is in order that we may discover this fact for ourselves, by direct experience, that we exist. The final end and purpose of every human being is the unitive knowledge of Saen's being.


Graces are the free gifts bestowed by Saen upon each one of us, in order that we may be assisted to achieve our final end and purpose; namely, unitive knowledge of divine reality.


Beauty arises when the parts of a whole are related to one another and to the totality in a manner which we apprehend as orderly and significant. But the first principle of order is Saen and Saen is the final, deepest meaning of all that exists. Saen, then, is manifest in the relationship which makes things beautiful. They, Saen, reside in that lovely interval which harmonizes events on all the planes, where we discover beauty.


Saen is love, and there are blessed moments when even to unregenerate human beings it is granted to know Them as love. It is through obedience to Saen the Law-Giver that we come at last to know Saen the loving One.


Bliss, the concomitant of perfection, is the same as joy, not only as a fruit of the spirit, but also a root. If we would know Saen, we must do everything to cultivate that lower equivalent of joy, which it is within our power to feel and to express.


Along with love, and joy, peace is one of the fruits of the spirit. But it is also one of the roots. In other words, peace is a necessary condition of spirituality, no less than an inevitable result of it. In wise words, it is peace which keeps the heart and mind in the knowledge and love of Saen.


No less than in fact holiness is spiritual health, and health is wholeness, completeness, perfection. Saen's holiness is the same as Their unity; and a man is holy to the extent to which he has become single-minded, one-pointed, perfect as our One in aentila is perfect.

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